Tech Stack 2024

Dive straight into the heart of my development process in this quick tour of my personal tech stack as of 2024. Discover the languages, frameworks, and tools I use to bring ideas to life. Ready for a sneak peek into my digital toolkit? Let's get started!

Frontend Framework: Next JS 13

Frontend Framework: Next JS 13
Cover image for The Rise of Next.js: Why It's the Full-Stack Framework of Choice for Modern Websites

The Rise of Next.js: Why It's the Full-Stack Framework of Choice for Modern Websites

When selecting a frontend framework, reliability is paramount for my clients. Despite exploring options like SvelteKit, "Why Next.js?" remains a frequent query. In this article, I unpack why Next.js stands out as a dependable choice and its promising future.

November 1, 2023
Next.js 13 Docs

Frontend Deployment: Vercel

Frontend Deployment: Vercel Vercel Deployment Starter

Python Deployment: Modal

Python Deployment: Modal Modal Docs

General Deployment/Self Hosting: Railway

General Deployment/Self Hosting: Railway Railway Docs

Relational DB Provider: Neon

Relational DB Provider: Neon Neon Docs

Payment Processing: Lemon Squeezy

Payment Processing: Lemon Squeezy
Cover image for Lemon Squeezy and Next.js 13: A Detailed Guide to Effortless Payment Integration

Lemon Squeezy and Next.js 13: A Detailed Guide to Effortless Payment Integration

Discover how to integrate payments into a Next.js SaaS App using Lemon Squeezy. Our guide covers creating API keys, managing subscriptions, handling webhooks, and storing updates. Learn to build a robust subscription setup with this powerful tech stack.

June 26, 2023
Lemon Squeezy Docs

Analytics: PostHog

Analytics: PostHog
Cover image for Unlocking the Power of Data: How PostHog Became My Go-To Analytics Tool for SaaS Success

Unlocking the Power of Data: How PostHog Became My Go-To Analytics Tool for SaaS Success

Discover the power of PostHog, an all-in-one analytics tool for SaaS

August 1, 2023
Posthog Docs

Customer Support: Plain

Customer Support: Plain Plain Docs

Feature Requests:

Feature Requests: Canny Landing Page


Cover image for Supabase vs. Comparative Analysis of Auth Tools

Supabase vs. Comparative Analysis of Auth Tools

Dive into the Supabase vs debate. Uncover insights about their performance, custom tokens, user impersonation, cost dynamics, and more. Which tool will reign supreme for you?

June 14, 2023
Clerk Docs

Styling: Tailwind CSS & Tailwind UI

Styling: Tailwind CSS & Tailwind UI TailwindCSS Docs

UI Libraries:


UI Libraries: Shadcn/UI shadcn/ui Docs

Daisy UI

Daisy UI dasiyUI Docs

Data Validation: Zod

Data Validation: Zod Zod Docs

Form Library: React-Hook-Form

Form Library: React-Hook-Form Form Builder Demo

Form Inputs: React Select

Form Inputs: React Select React Select Docs

Table Library: TanStack Table

Table Library: TanStack Table Tanstack Table Docs

ORM: Drizzle-ORM & Drizzle Kit

ORM: Drizzle-ORM & Drizzle Kit
Cover image for Unveiling the Power of Drizzle ORM: Key Features that Skyrocketed My Productivity

Unveiling the Power of Drizzle ORM: Key Features that Skyrocketed My Productivity

Want to supercharge your dev productivity? Get a glimpse into how Drizzle ORM, with its well-structured docs and powerful features, could be a game-changer for your projects.

June 28, 2023
Drizzle Landing Page

LLMs: Vercel AI SDK

LLMs: Vercel AI SDK
Cover image for Mastering Object Streaming with the new Vercel AI SDK for Enhanced UX

Mastering Object Streaming with the new Vercel AI SDK for Enhanced UX

Get to know how object streaming works with Vercel's AI SDK. From setting up a schema to displaying data in real-time, enhance your platform's user experience.

June 21, 2023
Vercel AI SDK Docs

Rate Limiting: Upstash

Rate Limiting: Upstash ratelimit GitHub Repo