
Unveiling the Power of Drizzle ORM: Key Features that Skyrocketed My Productivity

Want to supercharge your dev productivity? Get a glimpse into how Drizzle ORM, with its well-structured docs and powerful features, could be a game-changer for your projects.

Felix Vemmer
Felix Vemmer
June 28, 2023
Unveiling the Power of Drizzle ORM: Key Features that Skyrocketed My Productivity

Inspired by a few of my favorite tech YouTubers, namely Theo and Josh, I was intrigued to try out Drizzle ORM after hearing their rave reviews. Having since incorporated Drizzle into several projects, I've discovered numerous features that have not only enhanced my productivity but have also made the development process more enjoyable. Want to know why Drizzle has made such a difference? Stay with me as I dive into its game-changing features.

1. Great Structured Documentation with a lot of examples

Beyond the very funny marketing landing page (see blogpost cover), Drizzle also finally launched a highly anticipated documentation. What I particularly like is that the documentation is well structured and broken down logically.

First there is Drizzle ORM:

Drizzle ORM is a TypeScript ORM for SQL databases designed with maximum type safety in mind.

And then there is Drizzle Kit :

Drizzle Kit - is a CLI companion for automatic SQL migrations generation and rapid prototyping

For each of these they have the most important topics displayed nicely in a sidebar on the left, and then a table of contents for this particular page on the right sidebar.

Drizzle Documentation Screenshot

2. Easy to remember SQL Query Syntax

When adopting a relatively new library, it can be a struggle to remember the specific API syntax. If you know SQL though, you already know Drizzle.

The ORM's main philosophy is "If you know SQL, you know Drizzle ORM". We follow the SQL-like syntax whenever possible, are strongly typed ground up, and fail at compile time, not in runtime.

Check out some of these examples:

Simple Select

Drizzle Syntax:

const result = await;

SQL Syntax:

select * from 'users';

Simple Select with Filters

Drizzle Syntax:

await, 42));

SQL Syntax:

select * from 'users' where 'id' = 42;

Select Distinct

Drizzle Syntax:

await db.selectDistinct().from(users).orderBy(,;

SQL Syntax:

select distinct "id", "name" from "users" order by "users"."id", "users"."name";

3. Support for Complex SQL Queries

"While most ORMs manage to handle the simpler examples adequately, Drizzle takes it a step further. It truly excels in dealing with complex TypeScript joins, navigating terrain where many others struggle. Moreover, Drizzle shines by offering advanced database features, such as transactions, thereby enhancing its functionality and flexibility

Smart Type Inference on Joins

In the following there's a real life query from one of my projects, that has a lot of conditions, filters and all sort of things going on that I use for server side filtered table:

export async function getTournaments({
  timeframe = undefined,
  limit = undefined,
  sort = 'asc',
  from = undefined,
  to = undefined,
  organizerId = undefined,
  eventId = undefined,
  minBuyIn = undefined,
  maxBuyIn = undefined,
  minGuarantee = undefined,
  maxGuarantee = undefined,
}: {
  userId: string
  timeframe?: string
  limit?: number
  sort?: 'asc' | 'desc'
  from?: string
  to?: string
  organizerId?: string
  eventId?: string
  minBuyIn?: number
  maxBuyIn?: number
  minGuarantee?: number
  maxGuarantee?: number
}) {
  const now = new Date().toUTCString()
  let query = db
      tournamentStartAt: tournaments.startAt,
      buyIn: tournaments.buyIn,
      tournamentGuarantee: tournaments.guarantee,
      buyInCurrency: buyInCurrency.symbol,
      guaranteeCurrency: guaranteeCurrency.symbol,
      userId: userTournaments.userId,
    .leftJoin(events, eq(tournaments.eventId,
    .leftJoin(organizers, eq(events.organizerId,
    .leftJoin(buyInCurrency, eq(tournaments.buyInCurrencyId,
    .leftJoin(guaranteeCurrency, eq(tournaments.guaranteeCurrencyId,
    .leftJoin(userTournaments, eq(, userTournaments.tournamentId))
  if (limit) query = query.limit(limit)
  if (sort === 'desc') query = query.orderBy(desc(tournaments.startAt))
  if (sort === 'asc') query = query.orderBy(asc(tournaments.startAt))
  let whereCondition
  if (timeframe === 'my-tournaments') {
    whereCondition = eq(userTournaments.userId, userId)
  } else if (timeframe === 'upcoming') {
    whereCondition = and(
      gte(tournaments.startAt, now),
  } else if (timeframe === 'past') {
    whereCondition = and(
      lt(tournaments.startAt, now),
  } else {
    whereCondition = isNotNull(userTournaments.userId)
  // Add from and to filters
  if (from && to) {
    const fromDate = new Date(from).toISOString()
    const toEndOfDay = new Date(to)
    toEndOfDay.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)
    const toDate = new Date(to)
    toDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)
    whereCondition = and(
      between(tournaments.startAt, fromDate, toDate.toISOString()),
  // Add filter for organizerId
  if (organizerId) {
    whereCondition = and(whereCondition, eq(, Number(organizerId)))
  // Add filter for eventId
  if (eventId) {
    whereCondition = and(whereCondition, eq(, Number(eventId)))
  // Add filter for minBuyIn
  if (minBuyIn) {
    whereCondition = and(whereCondition, gte(tournaments.buyIn, minBuyIn.toString()))
  // Add filter for maxBuyIn
  if (maxBuyIn) {
    whereCondition = and(whereCondition, lte(tournaments.buyIn, maxBuyIn.toString()))
  // Add filter for minGuarantee
  if (minGuarantee) {
    whereCondition = and(whereCondition, gte(tournaments.guarantee, minGuarantee.toString()))
  // Add filter for maxGuarantee
  if (maxGuarantee) {
    whereCondition = and(whereCondition, lte(tournaments.guarantee, maxGuarantee.toString()))
  query = query.where(whereCondition)
  // console.log(query.toSQL())
  const data = await query
  return data

With all of this complicated logic Drizzle still gives me perfect type annotations.

Even with partial select, when you expect any joined table to be potentially have null types for every field, Drizzle shines:

Drizzle Smart Type Inference

4. Transaction & Prepared Statement Support

When I work with a relational database, I normalize my tables and keep everything neatly organised. However, this approach can introduce complexities when it comes to populating these tables. Let's explore this issue using a practical example from my SaaS,

In the process of creating a record for my campaign backlink prospect table, a sequence of insertions must take place first. Here are the necessary steps:

  • Insert the website into the websites table of a and get the corresponding id to link it to a backlink prospect
  • Insert the contact into the contacts table and get the corresponding id to link it to the backlink prospect
  • Insert the backlink prospect with the just inserted website_id , contact_id and other backlink prospect info
  • Finally, insert the backlink_prospect_id as well as the campign_id to finally get the campaign_backlink_prospect_id

Being a big fan of Supabase, I tried to do this first with the Supabase SDK and wasn't happy with the implementation. However, the implementation fell short of my expectations. Whenever an insert operation failed, I found myself writing extensive logic to undo the changes.

What would truly solve this issue is the ability to use transactions to manage these operations:

SQL transaction is a grouping of one or more SQL statements that interact with a database. A transaction in its entirety can commit to a database as a single logical unit or rollback (become undone) as a single logical unit.

Unfortunately, as of now you can only do this with Supabase by calling a supabase function with the .rpc method. While this could technically be a great solution, I did not like to have this complex logic stored in a postgres function with no version control.

Supabase Transaction Support Question

Luckily, Drizzle ORM supports transactions, and it was quite easy to implement with their excellent docs:

const { backlinkProspectId, campaignBacklinkProspectId } = await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
  const website = await tx
      target: [websites.url, websites.createdBy],
      set: {,
      where: eq(websites.createdBy,,
  console.log(`Created website with id ${website[0].id}`)
  const contact = await tx
  console.log(`Created contact with id ${contact[0].id}`)
  const backlinkProspect = await tx
      websiteId: website[0].id,
      contactId: contact[0].id,
      target: [
      set: {
      where: eq(backlinkProspects.createdBy, formData.backlinkProspect.createdBy),
  const backlinkProspectId = backlinkProspect[0].id
  console.log(`Created backlink prospect with id ${backlinkProspectId}`)
  const SCampaignsBacklinkProspects = createInsertSchema(campaignsBacklinkProspects)
  const parsedCampaignBacklinkProspect = SCampaignsBacklinkProspects.parse({
    id: uuidv4(),
    createdBy: formData.backlinkProspect.createdBy,
    campaignId: campaignUuid,
    backlinkProspectId: backlinkProspectId,
  const campaignBacklinkProspect = await tx
      target: [
      set: {
  const campaignBacklinkProspectId = campaignBacklinkProspect[0].id
  console.log(`Created campaign backlink prospect with id ${campaignBacklinkProspectId}`)
  return { campaignBacklinkProspectId, backlinkProspectId }

Prepared Statements

Something I have not tried yet, but would love to see the performance benefits of are prepared statements:

Prepared Statements Explanation

I had a very interesting chat with Alex Blokh who's part of the Drizzle Team:

Prepared Statements outperforming edge

Sadly, I figured that not all Databases (e.g. Neon) can currently leverage these, but I am sure that with time there might be an opportunity:

Prepared Statements outperforming edge

5. No more manual creation of zod models or types

By far this is my favourite feature, as it makes you so much more productive as a developer. The power behind Drizzle reminds me a bit about Theo's video:

Every Developer will eventually have some sort of similar workflow for inserting data into a table:

  1. Create a table with schema.
  2. Create a zod model for input parsing and type-safety based on form table requirements.
  3. Derive types from zod model and pass types and schema to e.g. react-hook-form resolver.
  4. Extend or modify zod schema to match real table schema before inserting.

All of this is super manual, error prone and very annoying especially if you make schema changes and you have to manually adjust everything.

Drizzle solves all of these issues perfectly with the drizzle-zod plugin.

drizzle-zod is a plugin for Drizzle ORM(opens in a new tab) that allows you to generate Zod(opens in a new tab) schemas from Drizzle ORM schemas.

Here's an example that I used at BacklinkGPT:

  1. First I create my schema:
export const onboardingSurveys = pgTable(
    id: uuid('id').defaultRandom().primaryKey().notNull(),
    createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true }).notNull(),
    userId: text('user_id').notNull(),
    roleID: uuid('role_id')
      .references(() =>
    userRoleOther: text('user_role_other'),
    problemID: uuid('problem_id')
      .references(() =>
    problemToSolveOther: text('problem_to_solve_other'),
    organizationID: uuid('organization_id')
      .references(() =>
    organizationOther: text('organization_other'),
  (table) => {
    return {
      idKey: uniqueIndex('onboarding_surveys_id_key').on(,

Drizzle Schema Creation

  1. Then I can easily create an insert schema and types based on the table, which I can feed into react-hook-forms :
const SForm = createInsertSchema(onboardingSurveys, {
  id: (schema) =>,
  userId: (schema) => schema.userId.optional(),
  createdAt: (schema) => schema.createdAt.optional(),
export type TForm = z.infer<typeof SForm>
const form = useForm<TForm>({
  resolver: zodResolver(SForm),
  1. I can then create my server action function and easily pass in all the data, while getting reminded from the onboardingSurveys types to provide still my id , userId and createdAt :
export async function saveOnboardingSurvey({
}: {
  data: TForm
}) {
  'use server'
  const { userId } = auth()
  if (!userId) throw new Error('User not found')
  await db.insert(onboardingSurveys).values({,
    createdAt: new Date(),

Reuse of drizzle-zod schema.

Building forms and moving types and schemas between client and server components has never been so easy and fun!

6. Drizzle Kit Introspect: Create types for an existing db

When I initially considered Drizzle, I was a bit skeptical. I anticipated a lot of effort in creating a complete schema to get typings for my existing Supabase project. However, I was pleasantly surprised - all it took was a single command and voila, my types were ready:

drizzle-kit generate:pg --custom

drizzle-kit introspect:{dialect} command lets you pull DDL from existing database and generate schema.ts file in matter of seconds.

With this feature you can really test the waters before committing fully.

7. Drizzle Studio

Just after one month of launching Relational Queries the Drizzle team launched a database-browser kit for the Drizzle ecosystem.

Though it's still in beta and undergoing continuous development, I am thoroughly excited about utilizing a GUI for inspecting and editing data. I have been using the PostgreSQL Explorer VS Code extension, which is excellent in its own right, but lacks the ability to edit data directly.

Wrapping Up: Drizzle Could Be Your Next Favorite Tool!

As you can gather from my journey, I've become a major fan of Drizzle and it's now my go-to ORM for all new projects.

Cover image for From Good to Great: Boosting Dev Experience with Drizzle ORM & Directus

From Good to Great: Boosting Dev Experience with Drizzle ORM & Directus

Discover the synergy of Directus and Drizzle ORM. Elevate your TypeScript experience, streamline database operations, and supercharge your web development workflow in just a few steps.

September 17, 2023

But, in the interest of giving you the full picture, I'll also share a few areas where Drizzle might not be perfect yet and where I stumbled upon some challenges.

Figuring out how to do push migrations for PSQL via script

The drizzle team recently released the drizzle-kit push:pg command. Here's the when to use it:

If you wanna see first the migrations and then push them to the DB without having to copy and manually execute all the statements, I came up with these scripts:

require('dotenv').config({ path: __dirname + '/../.env.local' })
const { drizzle } = require('drizzle-orm/postgres-js')
const { migrate } = require('drizzle-orm/postgres-js/migrator')
const postgres = require('postgres')
const connectionString = process.env.DIRECT_URL
if (!connectionString) {
  console.log({ path: __dirname + '/../.env.local' })
  throw new Error('DIRECT_URL environment variable is not set')
const sql = postgres(connectionString, { max: 1 })
const db = drizzle(sql)
;(async () => {
  try {
    await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: 'drizzle' })
  } finally {
    await sql.end()

And then having it working in package.json :

"scripts": {
  "dev": "pnpm next dev",
  "build": "pnpm next build && pnpm generate && pnpm push",
  "start": "pnpm next start",
  "lint": "pnpm next lint",
  "generate": "drizzle-kit generate:pg --config=drizzle.config.ts",
  "update-pg": "drizzle-kit up:pg --config=drizzle.config.ts",
  "check": "drizzle-kit check:pg --config=drizzle.config.ts",
  "drop": "drizzle-kit drop --config=drizzle.config.ts",
  "push": "node -r dotenv/config -r ts-node/register src/migrate.ts"

So if someone's struggling like me, I hope this is helpful.

If you found this post helpful and are eager for more insights like this, don't hesitate to follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my newsletter. That way, you'll be the first to know when I share new tips, tools, and insights to boost your productivity as a developer.

And, if you're about to dive into Drizzle, I'd love to hear about your experiences.

Happy coding!