
Migrating User Authentication from Supabase to Clerk.dev: A Step-by-Step Guide

This step-by-step guide simplifies the process of migrating user authentication from Supabase to Clerk.dev. With just a few steps, you will learn to prepare your Clerk.dev environment, extract user data from Supabase, and programmatically create users in Clerk.dev

Felix Vemmer
Felix Vemmer
June 7, 2023
Migrating User Authentication from Supabase to Clerk.dev: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you find the idea of migrating auth from Supabase to Clerk.dev intimidating? Let me assure you, it's less complex than it seems. In this guide, we'll simplify the process and walk you through every step of the migration. With just a handful of slight code tweaks, you'll be on the fast track to integrating Clerk.dev. So, let's dive right in and demystify this process together with a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide.

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Cover image for Supabase vs. Clerk.dev: Comparative Analysis of Auth Tools

Supabase vs. Clerk.dev: Comparative Analysis of Auth Tools

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June 14, 2023

Step 1: Set Up Your Clerk.dev Account

Navigate to the User & Authentication settings and select Email, Phone, Username. This is the stage where you'll want to ensure that the settings mirror those of your existing Supabase account.

Clerk Email, Phone, Username Settings

Step 2: Establishing Required Secrets as Environment Variables

In order to facilitate the creation of new users, we need to communicate with the Create new User Endpoint. This can be accomplished by using our Clerk API Keys:

Getting Clerk.dev API KEYs

Next, we'll store the CLERK_SECRET_KEY as a Python environment variable within the .env file, making it accessible from our script.

Lastly, we'll need to secure the database connection string from our existing Supabase instance. This can be achieved by storing it as an environment variable. You can retrieve this string from Project Settings > Database.

Getting Supabase Connection URI

Our final .env file should look like this:


Step 3: Preparing the Migration Script

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